Essential Tech Centre
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Geneva Technical Hub

The Geneva Technical Hub (GTH) has been established by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees  (UNHCR) and Swiss Agency for Developement and Cooperation (SDC) to improve the lives of refugees, internally displaced persons and their host communities by enhancing the quality of technical programming in energy, environment, shelter/housing, settlement planning, water, sanitation and hygiene. The EPFL, through the EssentialTech Center, contributed with its expertise, know-how and evidence-based policies to applications in the filed of environment, energy, shelter and settlement planning.


Shelter Sustainability Tool

Link to the app

Greenhouse Gas Emission Calculator

Link to the app

To access both apps and their guidance manuals, please click here

Settlement Planning

Spatial Layout Optimization 

Improving Humanitarian Infrastructure and Shelter Design

Click on the following links to access reports and more detailed information:

If you want to know more, please check GTH official web page:

The Geneva Technical Hub (GTH)

Program Manager

Dr. Grégoire Castella

Head of Humanitarian Division

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This program has been kindly funded by SDC
EssentialTech Centre

essentialtech [at]
+41 21 693 60 68
Mailing address:
Station 10
1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)
Physical address:
EPFL Lausanne Campus
CM 2-303
Meet our team
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